Awesome Lists

Sortable, Filterable Curated Lists of Most Awesome Programming Librarie


Number of GitHub Stars: 22000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1700+

A module bundler for JavaScript that can be used to bundle client-side JavaScript, libraries, and more. Rollup is designed to provide a simple and efficient way to bundle web assets. ..

  • Tree-shaking
  • Code splitting
  • Plugin ecosystem
  • Optimization and performance
  • Support for modern JavaScript features
  • Compatibility with CommonJS and ES modules



Number of GitHub Stars: 22000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1700+

A high-performance Vue.js-based framework for building high-quality, responsive, and accessible web applications, mobile apps, and electron apps. ..

  • Vue.js-based
  • Responsive and cross-platform
  • Extensive UI component library
  • Build for web, mobile, and desktop
  • SSR, PWA, and Electron support
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem



Number of GitHub Stars: 22000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 4000+

A JavaScript framework for building web applications. Ember.js follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. ..

  • Routing
  • Data binding
  • Templating
  • Component-based architecture
  • Convention over configuration
  • Addon ecosystem



Number of GitHub Stars: 22000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 2700+

A library for building web applications using web components. Polymer provides a set of tools and libraries for creating reusable UI components. ..

  • Web components
  • Data binding
  • Shadow DOM
  • Custom elements
  • Polymer CLI for development
  • Large component ecosystem



Number of GitHub Stars: 22000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1700+

A high-performance Vue.js-based framework for building high-quality, responsive, and accessible web applications, mobile apps, and electron apps. ..

  • Vue.js-based
  • Responsive and cross-platform
  • Extensive UI component library
  • Build for web, mobile, and desktop
  • SSR, PWA, and Electron support
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem



Number of GitHub Stars: 22000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1700+

A module bundler for JavaScript that can be used to bundle client-side JavaScript, libraries, and more. Rollup is designed to provide a simple and efficient way to bundle web assets. ..

  • Tree-shaking
  • Code splitting
  • Plugin ecosystem
  • Optimization and performance
  • Support for modern JavaScript features
  • Compatibility with CommonJS and ES modules



Number of GitHub Stars: 18000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 700+

A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Solid is designed to provide a simple and performant alternative to React. ..

  • Virtual DOM
  • Reactive programming
  • Server-side rendering
  • Static site generation
  • Component-based architecture
  • Small bundle size



Number of GitHub Stars: 18000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 800+

A new kind of static site builder for the modern web. Astro is designed to help developers build fast, content-focused websites with a focus on developer experience and performance. ..

  • Static site generation
  • Server-side rendering
  • Component-based architecture
  • File-based routing
  • Optimized asset bundling
  • Multi-framework support



Number of GitHub Stars: 18000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 700+

A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Solid is designed to provide a simple and performant alternative to React. ..

  • Virtual DOM
  • Reactive programming
  • Server-side rendering
  • Static site generation
  • Component-based architecture
  • Small bundle size



Number of GitHub Stars: 18000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 800+

A new kind of static site builder for the modern web. Astro is designed to help developers build fast, content-focused websites with a focus on developer experience and performance. ..

  • Static site generation
  • Server-side rendering
  • Component-based architecture
  • File-based routing
  • Optimized asset bundling
  • Multi-framework support



Number of GitHub Stars: 16000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 800+

A modern client-side JavaScript framework for building single-page applications. Mithril.js is known for its small size, performance, and simplicity. ..

  • Virtual DOM
  • Router
  • XHR utilities
  • Small bundle size
  • Fast performance
  • Simple and intuitive API



Number of GitHub Stars: 16000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1100+

A functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript. Elm is used for building web applications with a focus on simplicity, type safety, and performance. ..

  • Functional programming
  • Type safety
  • Virtual DOM
  • Performance optimization
  • Reactive programming
  • Compiler-driven development
