Awesome Lists

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Number of GitHub Stars: 22000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1700+

A high-performance Vue.js-based framework for building high-quality, responsive, and accessible web applications, mobile apps, and electron apps. ..

  • Vue.js-based
  • Responsive and cross-platform
  • Extensive UI component library
  • Build for web, mobile, and desktop
  • SSR, PWA, and Electron support
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem



Number of GitHub Stars: 22000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 4000+

A JavaScript framework for building web applications. Ember.js follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. ..

  • Routing
  • Data binding
  • Templating
  • Component-based architecture
  • Convention over configuration
  • Addon ecosystem



Number of GitHub Stars: 22000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 2700+

A library for building web applications using web components. Polymer provides a set of tools and libraries for creating reusable UI components. ..

  • Web components
  • Data binding
  • Shadow DOM
  • Custom elements
  • Polymer CLI for development
  • Large component ecosystem



Number of GitHub Stars: 22000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 700+

A fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime that includes a web server, a bundler, and a database client. Bun is designed to provide a fast and efficient development experience for building web applications. ..

  • Fast web server
  • Built-in bundler
  • Database client
  • Typescript support
  • Reactive programming
  • Extensible with plugins



Number of GitHub Stars: 22000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1700+

A high-performance Vue.js-based framework for building high-quality, responsive, and accessible web applications, mobile apps, and electron apps. ..

  • Vue.js-based
  • Responsive and cross-platform
  • Extensive UI component library
  • Build for web, mobile, and desktop
  • SSR, PWA, and Electron support
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem



Number of GitHub Stars: 22000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1700+

A module bundler for JavaScript that can be used to bundle client-side JavaScript, libraries, and more. Rollup is designed to provide a simple and efficient way to bundle web assets. ..

  • Tree-shaking
  • Code splitting
  • Plugin ecosystem
  • Optimization and performance
  • Support for modern JavaScript features
  • Compatibility with CommonJS and ES modules



Number of GitHub Stars: 21000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 2000+

A real-time MVC framework for Node.js that makes it easy to build custom, enterprise-grade Node.js apps. Sails.js is designed for building modern, API-driven web applications. ..

  • MVC architecture
  • Real-time features
  • Database integration
  • Sockets and WebSockets
  • Security and authentication
  • Command-line tools



Number of GitHub Stars: 18000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 900+

A full-stack web framework that lets you focus on the user interface and work back through the server as needed. Remix is designed to help developers build modern, resilient, and accessible web applications. ..

  • File-based routing
  • Server-side rendering
  • Data loading and mutations
  • Auth and access control
  • Deployment to serverless
  • Extensible with plugins



Number of GitHub Stars: 18000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 700+

A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Solid is designed to provide a simple and performant alternative to React. ..

  • Virtual DOM
  • Reactive programming
  • Server-side rendering
  • Static site generation
  • Component-based architecture
  • Small bundle size



Number of GitHub Stars: 18000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 800+

A new kind of static site builder for the modern web. Astro is designed to help developers build fast, content-focused websites with a focus on developer experience and performance. ..

  • Static site generation
  • Server-side rendering
  • Component-based architecture
  • File-based routing
  • Optimized asset bundling
  • Multi-framework support



Number of GitHub Stars: 18000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 900+

A full-stack web framework that lets you focus on the user interface and work back through the server as needed. Remix is designed to help developers build modern, resilient, and accessible web applications. ..

  • File-based routing
  • Server-side rendering
  • Data loading and mutations
  • Auth and access control
  • Deployment to serverless
  • Extensible with plugins



Number of GitHub Stars: 18000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 700+

A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Solid is designed to provide a simple and performant alternative to React. ..

  • Virtual DOM
  • Reactive programming
  • Server-side rendering
  • Static site generation
  • Component-based architecture
  • Small bundle size
