Awesome Lists

Sortable, Filterable Curated Lists of Most Awesome Programming Librarie


Number of GitHub Stars: 18000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 800+

A new kind of static site builder for the modern web. Astro is designed to help developers build fast, content-focused websites with a focus on developer experience and performance. ..

  • Static site generation
  • Server-side rendering
  • Component-based architecture
  • File-based routing
  • Optimized asset bundling
  • Multi-framework support



Number of GitHub Stars: 16000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 800+

A modern client-side JavaScript framework for building single-page applications. Mithril.js is known for its small size, performance, and simplicity. ..

  • Virtual DOM
  • Router
  • XHR utilities
  • Small bundle size
  • Fast performance
  • Simple and intuitive API



Number of GitHub Stars: 16000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1100+

A functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript. Elm is used for building web applications with a focus on simplicity, type safety, and performance. ..

  • Functional programming
  • Type safety
  • Virtual DOM
  • Performance optimization
  • Reactive programming
  • Compiler-driven development



Number of GitHub Stars: 16000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 800+

A modern client-side JavaScript framework for building single-page applications. Mithril.js is known for its small size, performance, and simplicity. ..

  • Virtual DOM
  • Router
  • XHR utilities
  • Small bundle size
  • Fast performance
  • Simple and intuitive API



Number of GitHub Stars: 16000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1100+

A functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript. Elm is used for building web applications with a focus on simplicity, type safety, and performance. ..

  • Functional programming
  • Type safety
  • Virtual DOM
  • Performance optimization
  • Reactive programming
  • Compiler-driven development



Number of GitHub Stars: 14000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1100+

A framework for building real-time applications and REST APIs using Node.js and Express. Feathers provides a set of high-level abstractions for building scalable and modern web applications. ..

  • REST and real-time APIs
  • Database agnostic ORM
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Pluggable service architecture
  • Command-line tools
  • Extensible with plugins



Number of GitHub Stars: 13000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1100+

A modern JavaScript framework for building complex web applications. Aurelia is known for its modular architecture and convention-over-configuration approach. ..

  • Modular architecture
  • Convention over configuration
  • Data binding
  • Dependency injection
  • Router and navigation
  • Custom elements and attributes



Number of GitHub Stars: 13000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 600+

A fast, lightweight, and functional JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Inferno is compatible with the React ecosystem. ..

  • Virtual DOM
  • React-compatible API
  • Fast performance
  • Small bundle size
  • Server-side rendering
  • Custom components



Number of GitHub Stars: 13000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 500+

A tiny (1.5 KB) framework for building web applications. Hyperapp is known for its simplicity, performance, and functional programming approach. ..

  • Virtual DOM
  • Functional programming
  • State management
  • Router
  • Small bundle size
  • Fast performance



Number of GitHub Stars: 13000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 800+

A simple and fast user interface library. Riot.js is a lightweight alternative to larger frameworks like React and Angular. ..

  • Virtual DOM
  • Component-based architecture
  • Simple and intuitive syntax
  • Small bundle size
  • Fast performance
  • Router and state management



Number of GitHub Stars: 13000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1300+

A rich framework for building applications and services using Node.js. Hapi provides a robust set of features for building web servers, APIs, and other types of network applications. ..

  • Routing
  • Plugins
  • Input validation
  • Auth and security
  • Logging and monitoring
  • Testing utilities



Number of GitHub Stars: 13000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1000+

A Node.js web framework with a focus on developer ergonomics, stability, and performance. Adonis.js is designed for building scalable and maintainable web applications and APIs. ..

  • MVC architecture
  • ORM and database integration
  • Routing and middleware
  • Auth and security
  • Command-line tools
  • Testing utilities
