Awesome Lists

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Number of GitHub Stars: 12000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 700+

A Vue.js-powered, modern site generator for building fast and secure websites and apps. Gridsome is designed to help developers build fast and SEO-friendly websites. ..

  • Vue.js-based
  • Static site generation
  • GraphQL-powered data layer
  • File-based routing
  • Optimized performance
  • Plugin ecosystem



Number of GitHub Stars: 12000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 600+

A full-stack, serverless web application framework built on top of React, GraphQL, and Prisma. Redwood provides a opinionated and batteries-included approach to building modern web applications. ..

  • Full-stack development
  • GraphQL-based data layer
  • Serverless deployment
  • File-based routing
  • Auth and access control
  • Command-line tools



Number of GitHub Stars: 12000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 600+

A modern, fast, and lightweight web application bundler. Snowpack is designed to provide a fast and efficient development experience for building web applications. ..

  • Fast development server
  • Build optimization
  • Plugin ecosystem
  • Multi-framework support
  • Hot Module Replacement (HMR)
  • Zero-install setup



Number of GitHub Stars: 12000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 2100+

A JavaScript task runner that can automate a wide variety of tasks and build processes. Grunt is a popular choice for front-end web development workflows. ..

  • Task automation
  • Pluggable architecture
  • Support for various web technologies
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem
  • Configuration-based setup



Number of GitHub Stars: 10000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 600+

A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Cycle.js is based on the principles of functional reactive programming (FRP). ..

  • Functional reactive programming
  • Virtual DOM
  • Stream-based data flow
  • Combinators for composing streams
  • Cross-platform rendering
  • Time-travel debugging



Number of GitHub Stars: 10000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1500+

A JavaScript library for building dynamic user interfaces. Knockout.js is known for its simple and powerful data-binding capabilities. ..

  • Data-binding
  • Observable properties
  • Template-based UI
  • Computed observables
  • Custom bindings
  • Router and navigation



Number of GitHub Stars: 10000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 800+

A scalable and open-source headless CMS and web application framework built on Node.js, GraphQL, and React. Keystone.js is designed for building modern, content-rich web applications. ..

  • Headless CMS
  • GraphQL API
  • React-based admin UI
  • Database integration
  • Auth and access control
  • Command-line tools



Number of GitHub Stars: 10000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1100+

A highly-extensible, open-source Node.js framework for creating REST APIs and microservices. Loopback provides a comprehensive set of tools and features for building enterprise-grade applications. ..

  • REST API generation
  • Database integration
  • Auth and access control
  • Command-line tools
  • Extensible with middleware
  • Dynamic discovery of models and APIs



Number of GitHub Stars: 10000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 500+

A full-stack React framework that brings the simplicity of Rails and the power of Next.js. Blitz.js is designed to help developers build production-ready applications quickly. ..

  • Full-stack development
  • File-based routing
  • GraphQL-based data layer
  • Auth and access control
  • Command-line tools
  • Deploy to serverless



Number of GitHub Stars: 10000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 600+

A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Cycle.js is based on the principles of functional reactive programming (FRP). ..

  • Functional reactive programming
  • Virtual DOM
  • Stream-based data flow
  • Combinators for composing streams
  • Cross-platform rendering
  • Time-travel debugging



Number of GitHub Stars: 10000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1500+

A JavaScript library for building dynamic user interfaces. Knockout.js is known for its simple and powerful data-binding capabilities. ..

  • Data-binding
  • Observable properties
  • Template-based UI
  • Computed observables
  • Custom bindings
  • Router and navigation



Number of GitHub Stars: 10000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 500+

A full-stack React framework that brings the simplicity of Rails and the power of Next.js. Blitz.js is designed to help developers build production-ready applications quickly. ..

  • Full-stack development
  • File-based routing
  • GraphQL-based data layer
  • Auth and access control
  • Command-line tools
  • Deploy to serverless
