Awesome Lists

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Number of GitHub Stars: 500+ Number of GitHub Forks: 50+

Rust-Qt-Binding-Generator is a tool that generates Rust bindings for Qt, allowing you to use the Qt framework to build desktop applications with Rust. ..

  • Cross-platform
  • Bind to the Qt framework
  • Modern Rust API
  • Active community
  • Documented



Number of GitHub Stars: 400+ Number of GitHub Forks: 60+

A Rust binding for the GLFW library, which is a popular library for creating OpenGL-based games and applications. ..

  • 2D and 3D graphics
  • Input handling
  • Cross-platform support
  • Integration with Rust ecosystem



Number of GitHub Stars: 300+ Number of GitHub Forks: 30+

A 2D game engine written in Rust. Enclose is designed to be simple, fast, and easy to use. ..

  • 2D graphics
  • Input handling
  • Sound and music
  • Physics simulation
  • Cross-platform support



Number of GitHub Stars: 300+ Number of GitHub Forks: 30+

A user interface library for the Rg3d game engine, written in Rust. Rg3d-ui is designed to be fast, flexible, and easy to use. ..

  • 2D and 3D UI elements
  • Input handling
  • Layout and styling
  • Cross-platform support
  • Integration with Rg3d



Number of GitHub Stars: 200+ Number of GitHub Forks: 20+

A 2D game engine written in Rust. Rust2D is designed to be simple, fast, and easy to use. ..

  • 2D graphics
  • Input handling
  • Sound and music
  • Physics simulation
  • Cross-platform support



Number of GitHub Stars: 150+ Number of GitHub Forks: 15+

A 3D game engine written in Rust. Rust3D is designed to be fast, flexible, and easy to use. ..

  • 3D graphics
  • Physics simulation
  • Input handling
  • Sound and music
  • Cross-platform support
