Awesome Lists

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Nuxt.js is a progressive framework for building server-rendered Vue.js applications. It is built on top of Vue.js, Vuex, and Vue Router, and provides a powerful set of features for building modern web applications. ..

  • Server-side rendering
  • Universal (isomorphic) web applications
  • Static site generation
  • Powerful routing system
  • Vuex integration
  • Head management
  • Asset optimization
  • Code splitting
  • Plugins system



Vuex is a state management pattern and library for Vue.js applications. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion. ..

  • Centralized state management
  • Mutations and actions
  • Modules
  • Plugins
  • Hot module replacement


Vue Router

Vue Router is the official router for Vue.js. It allows you to build single-page applications with complex routing and navigation. ..

  • Dynamic routes
  • Nested routes
  • Programmatic navigation
  • Route guards
  • Route meta fields
  • Transitions



Vuetify is a UI library for Vue.js that provides a comprehensive set of pre-built components and tools to help you build beautiful and responsive web applications. ..

  • Material Design-based components
  • Responsive and accessible
  • Customizable themes
  • Extensive documentation
  • Large community and ecosystem



Quasar is a high-performance, full-featured Vue.js framework that allows you to build responsive and feature-rich web applications, mobile apps, and desktop applications using a single codebase. ..

  • Cross-platform development
  • Responsive and adaptive design
  • Extensive UI components
  • Build tools and CLI
  • SSR and PWA support
  • Theme customization



VuePress is a static site generator powered by Vue.js. It is designed to help you build documentation websites or blogs with a focus on content and simplicity. ..

  • Markdown-based content
  • Customizable themes
  • Plugins system
  • Search and pagination
  • Server-side rendering
  • Github Pages and Netlify deployment



Gridsome is a Vue.js-powered, modern site generator for building fast and secure websites and apps. It uses GraphQL to fetch data from various sources and generate static HTML files. ..

  • Static site generation
  • GraphQL data layer
  • File-based routing
  • PWA support
  • Image optimization
  • Site metadata and SEO



Vuido is a framework for building native desktop applications using Vue.js. It allows you to create cross-platform desktop applications using the same Vue.js syntax and tooling you're already familiar with. ..

  • Native desktop applications
  • Cross-platform support
  • Vue.js syntax and tooling
  • Access to native APIs
  • Customizable UI components



Vuex-ORM is a plugin for Vuex that provides an object-relational mapping (ORM) layer on top of Vuex. It helps you manage your application's state in a more structured and scalable way. ..

  • Relational data modeling
  • Data normalization
  • CRUD operations
  • Relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many)
  • Query builder
  • Plugins system



Vuex-persist is a Vuex plugin that allows you to persist and rehydrate your Vuex state between page loads. It supports various storage backends, including localStorage, sessionStorage, and IndexedDB. ..

  • Persist Vuex state
  • Support for various storage backends
  • Customizable serialization and deserialization
  • Rehydration on page load
  • Plugins system
