Awesome Lists

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Number of GitHub Stars: 25000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1200+

Tauri is a framework for building desktop applications with modern web technologies. It uses Rust for the core and allows you to build cross-platform apps from a single codebase. ..

  • Cross-platform
  • Security-focused
  • Lightweight
  • Customizable
  • Extensible



Number of GitHub Stars: 15000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 1000+

Bevy is a modern game engine written in Rust. While primarily focused on game development, it can also be used for building desktop applications. ..

  • Cross-platform
  • Modular design
  • High performance
  • Easy to use
  • Active community



Number of GitHub Stars: 12000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 800+

Yew is a Rust framework for building client-side web apps with WebAssembly. It can also be used to build desktop applications. ..

  • Cross-platform
  • Reactive programming
  • Compiles to WebAssembly
  • Active community
  • Documented



Number of GitHub Stars: 7500+ Number of GitHub Forks: 350+

Iced is a cross-platform GUI library for Rust, focused on simplicity and performance. ..

  • Cross-platform
  • Simple and intuitive API
  • High performance
  • Modular design
  • Customizable



Number of GitHub Stars: 6000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 400+

Egui is a simple, fast, and highly customizable immediate mode GUI library for Rust, designed to be easy to integrate into existing projects. ..

  • Cross-platform
  • Immediate mode design
  • High performance
  • Customizable UI
  • Easy to integrate



Number of GitHub Stars: 5000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 300+

Druid is a Rust-based UI toolkit, designed for creating fast, reliable, and reactive user interfaces. ..

  • Cross-platform
  • Data-driven design
  • Reactive updates
  • Customizable widgets
  • Lightweight



Number of GitHub Stars: 4000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 300+

Wgpu is a Rust-based, cross-platform, and low-level graphics API that provides a modern, high-performance, and flexible interface for rendering 2D and 3D graphics. ..

  • Cross-platform
  • High performance
  • Modern graphics API
  • Flexible and extensible
  • Active community



Number of GitHub Stars: 4000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 500+

Nuklear is a single-header ANSI C immediate mode cross-platform GUI library. It can be used with Rust through the nuklear-rs crate. ..

  • Cross-platform
  • Immediate mode design
  • Lightweight
  • Customizable
  • Active community



Number of GitHub Stars: 3500+ Number of GitHub Forks: 150+

Azul is a Rust-based GUI framework for creating multi-platform desktop applications. ..

  • Cross-platform
  • High performance
  • Modern UI design
  • Customizable components
  • Scalable vector graphics



Number of GitHub Stars: 3000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 400+

Winit is a Rust library for creating windows, handling events, and managing input. It is a low-level library that can be used as a foundation for higher-level GUI frameworks. ..

  • Cross-platform
  • Low-level window management
  • Event handling
  • Input management
  • Extensible



Number of GitHub Stars: 3000+ Number of GitHub Forks: 400+

Piston is a modular game engine written in Rust, which can also be used for building desktop applications. ..

  • Cross-platform
  • Modular design
  • High performance
  • Active community
  • Extensive documentation



Number of GitHub Stars: 2500+ Number of GitHub Forks: 300+

Gtk-rs is a set of Rust language bindings for the GTK+ toolkit, a popular toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. ..

  • Cross-platform
  • Bind to the GTK+ toolkit
  • Modular design
  • Extensive documentation
  • Active community
